Posts tagged: project management

What is Project Management? – Project Management Guide

If you are a project manager, you will know that project management is important. But you will also know that it is too often misunderstood. Here at Project Management Guide website, we try to spread the message about what project management is, why it is important, and how to do it well.

Project management is the science and art of achieving success in your projects. It’s a science because it is possible to set down techniques and methodologies to follow, and an art because you need to have the ability to see which of these to us, and where and when to apply them.

Project management is important because it allows us to tackle projects in a clear, repeatable, and successful manner.  If we approached every project we face with no clear idea of the techniques to use, we’d end up trying to muddle through every time, making the same mistakes over and over again.  This is all avoidable with the proper project management techniques, experience, and knowledge.  This means we have more successful projects, achieved in a shorter time, and at a lower cost.

So what do you need to do in project management?

  1. Understand what success is for your project
  2. Plan how to get there
  3. Find and allocate the resources needed
  4. Monitor progress
  5. Identify the project risks, and how to avoid them, or how to mitigate the effects if they occur
  6. Solve the problems that occur along the way
  7. Hand over a successful product at the end
  8. Review the project at the end, and learn lessons for next time (for yourself and your organisation)

Notice, though, that none of these imply a particular methodology, a particular set of tools. The right tools to use depend on what job you are trying to do! It would be ludicrous to try and use the same tools for a $500 project that you do for $5,000,000 project! One of the most important things in project management is to know when to use the techniques and methodologies you have at your disposal, to know which of them are right for that particular project.

This project management guide will help you learn the tools, tips and techniques you need to achieve success!

Project Management Guide

Do you need to know more about project management – fast?
Do you want to know how to make your projects successful?
Do you need help with a project that is in trouble?
Do you want to find out how to reduce the cost of your projects, while getting better results?

We all carry out projects in our lives, whether at work or at home.  From the executive carrying out a massive restructuring of her business, to the secretary planning a business meeting, we all come up against similar challenges.  Knowing how to handle those challenges means the difference between success and failure.

The problem is, sometimes the way we should move forward isn’t clear.  While you could always buy a project management guide, you need to know enough to find the right one for you and your project.  What we need is somewhere we can go to get advice.  Somewhere we can find the information we need.  Somewhere we can learn the techniques to get to success.

This is where comes in.  This resource is written by a successful project manager.  Over the years I have managed projects with budgets ranging from millions of dollars, to just a few hundred. Working with government bodies, major companies, and small businesses, I have created communication infrastructures, set up organisations, started businesses and delivered marketing campaigns – all by following the simple principles set out in this guide.

So keep reading, and you too will learn how to use your knowledge, expertise and experience to tailor your approach to be the perfect fit for your project, and to achieve success.

With this project management guide, you will learn:

  • to begin a project – defining what you want to achieve
  • to plan how to get to where you want to be
  • to recognise when problems are coming – and how to deal with them
  • to deal with risks by spotting them early, and taking the right action then – not when it is too late
  • to review your project regularly – recognise where you are, what you have achieved, and what there is to do

Taken together, this project management guide will have you delivering on time, on budget, high quality projects, enabling you to save money, time and effort, all to the benefit of your company, and your career.  Let be your guide to project management.
