10 Signs of a Successful Team

Project management isn’t just about project managers. We are just part of a team that works on the project. Our job is to help the rest of the team to be successful at their job. So what are some of the signs of a project team that successfully works together?

I’ve come up with ten different characteristics of a team which I think will be successful:

  1. Pride in their work – no project is perfect, but that’s no reason not to try. The team is committed to producing the best output they can, and are willing to put the case for the right decisions to get there.
  2. Members support each other – they really are a team, not a group of individuals. Team members trust in the skills of the other members, and support them in tough situations.
  3. Understanding – the team knows what they are doing, and why.
  4. Competent and confident – the team members are all able to do their work, and confident in their abilities.
  5. Communicate openly – the team understands that project management thrives on good communication.
  6. Accepts final decisions – the team understands that the people making decisions for the project are doing so in good faith, and while they may make a decision the team disagrees with, they have a good reason for doing so.
  7. Solve the problems they can, and deal with the ones they can’t – the team understands that problems will occur, no matter what. There is no point in complaining about them, all the team can do is handle them.
  8. Clear direction – the team knows where the project has come from, where it is now, and where it is going.
  9. Embrace project management – the team understands that project management is about helping them achieve success, not blocking it!
  10. Loyalty – members are loyal to the project, to the business, to the team, and to themselves.

What do you think? What have I missed? Which of these aren’t important? Let me know!
